Appa (rapper)

Rachid El Ghazoui, also known by his stage name Appa, is a Dutch rapper, whose roots lie in the mountainous regions of North-Morocco.
In 2002, he joined rap formation Tuindorp Hustler Click, but decided to go solo. He is known for the political content of his lyrics and criticism of nationalist MP Geert Wilders. He also strongly identifies with the social problems of Moroccan youths. In November 2007, his first album called Straatfilosoof appeared. In an interview he calls the album "autobiographical" and a "user guide for the people who don't understand us ".


In 2015 El Ghazaoui attracted attention by denying the holocaust, by citing alleged quotes of the Talmud in order to raise hatred against Jews and by claiming that two mafia killers who, after murdering two fellow mafiosi, fired their kalashnikovs at the Dutch police, only received a life sentence because they are of Moroccan origin.

