Argument Interchange Format

The Argument Interchange Format is an international effort to develop a representational mechanism for exchanging argument resources between research groups, tools, and domains using a semantically rich language. AIF traces its history back to a 2005 colloquium in Budapest. The result of the work in Budapest was first published as a draft description in 2006. Building on this foundation, further work then used the AIF to build foundations for the Argument Web
AIF-RDF is the extended ontology represented in the Resource Description Framework Schema semantic language.
The Argument Interchange Format introduces a small set of ontological concepts that aim to capture a common understanding of argument -- one that works in multiple domains, so that data can be shared and re-used across different projects in different areas. These ontological concepts are:
extended by:
The AIF has "reifications" in a variety of development environments and implementation languages including
as well as translations to visual languages such as DOT and SVG.
AIF data can be accessed online at .