Arhat Hall

The Arhat Hall is mainly for enshrining Arhat in Chinese Buddhist temples. Arhat is short for Arahant, meaning self-enlightened. In the Mahayana tradition of Buddhism, Arhats rank the third position in Buddhism, only below the Buddha and Bodhisattva. In the Theravada tradition of Buddhism, Arhats rank the highest the Karma position. Buddhists believe that Arhats position means to free oneself from being troubled and from the circle of rebirth.
In medium-sized Buddhist temples, there are nine statues of Arhats on each side of the Mahavira Hall, which are known as the "Eighteen Arhats". In some large-sized Buddhist temples, Arhat Hall are built with many statues of Arhats inside, such as the Sixteen Arhats, the Eighteen Arhats, the, etc.