Arnold's Wrecking Co.

Arnold's Wrecking Company is the first film written and directed by Steven E. de Souza, released in 1973. It was filmed on Library Place, Princeton, New Jersey, with residents of the home of Ellwood and Shirley Kauffman receiving credits for their work. Business-manager-to be Scott Kauffman made a cameo appearance as the younger version of de Souza's character, Kenny.


From the film's promotional materials:


The film won the Special Jury Prize at the 1972 Atlanta Film Festival. It was released in a few venues the following September, with promotion and advertising all but absent when the film's distributor went into bankruptcy at the same time.
The soundtrack, by the band Adom, and produced by East Coast Records, has become something of a cult collectible, and the "Marijuana!" cut has been heard frequently on Dr. Demento.