Arrondissement of Belfort

The arrondissement of Belfort is an arrondissement in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region of France. It is the only arrondissement located in the Territoire de Belfort department. It has 101 communes. Its population is 165,987, and its area is.


The communes of the arrondissement of Belfort are:
  1. Andelnans
  2. Angeot
  3. Anjoutey
  4. Argiésans
  5. Autrechêne
  6. Auxelles-Bas
  7. Auxelles-Haut
  8. Banvillars
  9. Bavilliers
  10. Beaucourt
  11. Belfort
  12. Bermont
  13. Bessoncourt
  14. Bethonvilliers
  15. Boron
  16. Botans
  17. Bourg-sous-Châtelet
  18. Bourogne
  19. Brebotte
  20. Bretagne
  21. Buc
  22. Charmois
  23. Châtenois-les-Forges
  24. Chaux
  25. Chavanatte
  26. Chavannes-les-Grands
  27. Chèvremont
  28. Courcelles
  29. Courtelevant
  30. Cravanche
  31. Croix
  32. Cunelières
  33. Danjoutin
  34. Delle
  35. Denney
  36. Dorans
  37. Eguenigue
  38. Éloie
  39. Essert
  40. Étueffont
  41. Évette-Salbert
  42. Faverois
  43. Fêche-l'Église
  44. Felon
  45. Florimont
  46. Fontaine
  47. Fontenelle
  48. Foussemagne
  49. Frais
  50. Froidefontaine
  51. Giromagny
  52. Grandvillars
  53. Grosmagny
  54. Grosne
  55. Joncherey
  56. Lachapelle-sous-Chaux
  57. Lachapelle-sous-Rougemont
  58. Lacollonge
  59. Lagrange
  60. Lamadeleine-Val-des-Anges
  61. Larivière
  62. Lebetain
  63. Lepuix
  64. Lepuix-Neuf
  65. Leval
  66. Menoncourt
  67. Meroux-Moval
  68. Méziré
  69. Montbouton
  70. Montreux-Château
  71. Morvillars
  72. Novillard
  73. Offemont
  74. Pérouse
  75. Petit-Croix
  76. Petitefontaine
  77. Petitmagny
  78. Phaffans
  79. Réchésy
  80. Recouvrance
  81. Reppe
  82. Riervescemont
  83. Romagny-sous-Rougemont
  84. Roppe
  85. Rougegoutte
  86. Rougemont-le-Château
  87. Saint-Dizier-l'Évêque
  88. Saint-Germain-le-Châtelet
  89. Sermamagny
  90. Sevenans
  91. Suarce
  92. Thiancourt
  93. Trévenans
  94. Urcerey
  95. Valdoie
  96. Vauthiermont
  97. Vellescot
  98. Vescemont
  99. Vétrigne
  100. Vézelois
  101. Villars-le-Sec


The population of the arrondissement was 134,097 in 1990, and was 137,408 in 1999, an increase of 2.47%.


The arrondissement of Belfort was created in 1800 as part of the department Haut-Rhin. This arrondissement was larger than the current one, and also included part that is now in the department Haut-Rhin, for instance the communes Cernay, Dannemarie, Masevaux, Saint-Amarin and Thann. In 1871, when most of Haut-Rhin was ceded to Germany, the part remaining in France became the Territoire de Belfort.
As a result of the reorganisation of the cantons of France which came into effect in 2015, the borders of the cantons are no longer related to the borders of the arrondissements. The cantons of the arrondissement of Belfort were, as of January 2015:
  1. Beaucourt
  2. Belfort-Centre
  3. Belfort-Est
  4. Belfort-Nord
  5. Belfort-Ouest
  6. Belfort-Sud
  7. Châtenois-les-Forges
  8. Danjoutin
  9. Delle
  10. Fontaine
  11. Giromagny
  12. Grandvillars
  13. Offemont
  14. Rougemont-le-Château
  15. Valdoie