Arrondissement of Bordeaux

The arrondissement of Bordeaux is an arrondissement of France in the Gironde department in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. It has 82 communes. Its population is 950,099, and its area is.


The communes of the arrondissement of Bordeaux, and their INSEE codes, are:
  1. Ambarès-et-Lagrave
  2. Ambès
  3. Artigues-près-Bordeaux
  4. Ayguemorte-les-Graves
  5. Bassens
  6. Baurech
  7. Beautiran
  8. Bègles
  9. Beychac-et-Caillau
  10. Blanquefort
  11. Blésignac
  12. Bonnetan
  13. Bordeaux
  14. Bouliac
  15. Le Bouscat
  16. La Brède
  17. Bruges
  18. Cabanac-et-Villagrains
  19. Cadaujac
  20. Camarsac
  21. Cambes
  22. Camblanes-et-Meynac
  23. Canéjan
  24. Carbon-Blanc
  25. Carignan-de-Bordeaux
  26. Castres-Gironde
  27. Cénac
  28. Cenon
  29. Cestas
  30. Créon
  31. Croignon
  32. Cursan
  33. Eysines
  34. Fargues-Saint-Hilaire
  35. Floirac
  36. Gradignan
  37. Le Haillan
  38. Haux
  39. Isle-Saint-Georges
  40. Latresne
  41. Léognan
  42. Lignan-de-Bordeaux
  43. Lormont
  44. Loupes
  45. Ludon-Médoc
  46. Macau
  47. Madirac
  48. Martignas-sur-Jalle
  49. Martillac
  50. Mérignac
  51. Montussan
  52. Parempuyre
  53. Pessac
  54. Le Pian-Médoc
  55. Pompignac
  56. Le Pout
  57. Quinsac
  58. Sadirac
  59. Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc
  60. Saint-Caprais-de-Bordeaux
  61. Sainte-Eulalie
  62. Saint-Genès-de-Lombaud
  63. Saint-Jean-d'Illac
  64. Saint-Léon
  65. Saint-Loubès
  66. Saint-Louis-de-Montferrand
  67. Saint-Médard-d'Eyrans
  68. Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
  69. Saint-Morillon
  70. Saint-Selve
  71. Saint-Sulpice-et-Cameyrac
  72. Saint-Vincent-de-Paul
  73. Sallebœuf
  74. Saucats
  75. La Sauve
  76. Tabanac
  77. Le Taillan-Médoc
  78. Talence
  79. Le Tourne
  80. Tresses
  81. Villenave-d'Ornon
  82. Yvrac


The arrondissement of Bordeaux was created in 1800. At the May 2006 reorganisation of the arrondissements of Gironde, it lost the canton of Saint-André-de-Cubzac to the arrondissement of Blaye, the cantons of Cadillac and Podensac to the arrondissement of Langon and the canton of Castelnau-de-Médoc to the arrondissement of Lesparre-Médoc. In January 2007 it lost the four cantons of Arcachon, Audenge, Belin-Béliet and La Teste-de-Buch to the new arrondissement of Arcachon.
As a result of the reorganisation of the cantons of France which came into effect in 2015, the borders of the cantons are no longer related to the borders of the arrondissements. The cantons of the arrondissement of Bordeaux were, as of January 2015:
  1. Bègles
  2. Blanquefort
  3. Bordeaux-1
  4. Bordeaux-2
  5. Bordeaux-3
  6. Bordeaux-4
  7. Bordeaux-5
  8. Bordeaux-6
  9. Bordeaux-7
  10. Bordeaux-8
  11. Le Bouscat
  12. La Brède
  13. Carbon-Blanc
  14. Cenon
  15. Créon
  16. Floirac
  17. Gradignan
  18. Lormont
  19. Mérignac-1
  20. Mérignac-2
  21. Pessac-1
  22. Pessac-2
  23. Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
  24. Talence
  25. Villenave-d'Ornon