Arrondissement of Castres

The arrondissement of Castres is an arrondissement of France in the Tarn department in the Occitanie region. Its INSEE code is 812 and its capital city is Castres. It has 151 communes. Its population is 195,298, and its area is. It is the southernmost arrondissement of the department.


The arrondissement of Castres is bordered to the north by the arrondissement of Albi, to the northeast by the Aveyron department, to the east by the Hérault department, to the south by the Aude department and to the west by the Haute-Garonne department.


The communes of the arrondissement of Castres, and their INSEE codes, are:
  1. Aguts
  2. Aiguefonde
  3. Albine
  4. Algans
  5. Ambres
  6. Anglès
  7. Appelle
  8. Arfons
  9. Arifat
  10. Aussillon
  11. Bannières
  12. Barre
  13. Belcastel
  14. Belleserre
  15. Berlats
  16. Bertre
  17. Le Bez
  18. Blan
  19. Boissezon
  20. Bout-du-Pont-de-Larn
  21. Brassac
  22. Briatexte
  23. Brousse
  24. Burlats
  25. Busque
  26. Cabanès
  27. Cahuzac
  28. Cambon-lès-Lavaur
  29. Cambounès
  30. Cambounet-sur-le-Sor
  31. Les Cammazes
  32. Carbes
  33. Castres
  34. Caucalières
  35. Cuq
  36. Cuq-Toulza
  37. Damiatte
  38. Dourgne
  39. Durfort
  40. Escoussens
  41. Escroux
  42. Espérausses
  43. Fiac
  44. Fontrieu
  45. Fréjeville
  46. Garrevaques
  47. Garrigues
  48. Gijounet
  49. Giroussens
  50. Graulhet
  51. Guitalens-L'Albarède
  52. Jonquières
  53. Labastide-Rouairoux
  54. Labastide-Saint-Georges
  55. Laboulbène
  56. Labruguière
  57. Lacabarède
  58. Lacaune
  59. Lacaze
  60. Lacougotte-Cadoul
  61. Lacroisille
  62. Lacrouzette
  63. Lagardiolle
  64. Lagarrigue
  65. Lamontélarié
  66. Lasfaillades
  67. Lautrec
  68. Lavaur
  69. Lempaut
  70. Lescout
  71. Lugan
  72. Magrin
  73. Marzens
  74. Le Masnau-Massuguiès
  75. Massac-Séran
  76. Massaguel
  77. Maurens-Scopont
  78. Mazamet
  79. Missècle
  80. Montcabrier
  81. Montdragon
  82. Montfa
  83. Montgey
  84. Montpinier
  85. Montredon-Labessonnié
  86. Mont-Roc
  87. Moulayrès
  88. Moulin-Mage
  89. Mouzens
  90. Murat-sur-Vèbre
  91. Nages
  92. Navès
  93. Noailhac
  94. Palleville
  95. Payrin-Augmontel
  96. Péchaudier
  97. Peyregoux
  98. Pont-de-Larn
  99. Poudis
  100. Prades
  101. Pratviel
  102. Puéchoursi
  103. Puybegon
  104. Puycalvel
  105. Puylaurens
  106. Rayssac
  107. Le Rialet
  108. Roquecourbe
  109. Roquevidal
  110. Rouairoux
  111. Saint-Affrique-les-Montagnes
  112. Saint-Agnan
  113. Saint-Amancet
  114. Saint-Amans-Soult
  115. Saint-Amans-Valtoret
  116. Saint-Avit
  117. Saint-Gauzens
  118. Saint-Genest-de-Contest
  119. Saint-Germain-des-Prés
  120. Saint-Germier
  121. Saint-Jean-de-Rives
  122. Saint-Jean-de-Vals
  123. Saint-Julien-du-Puy
  124. Saint-Lieux-lès-Lavaur
  125. Saint-Paul-Cap-de-Joux
  126. Saint-Pierre-de-Trivisy
  127. Saint-Salvi-de-Carcavès
  128. Saint-Salvy-de-la-Balme
  129. Saint-Sernin-lès-Lavaur
  130. Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe
  131. Saïx
  132. Sauveterre
  133. Sémalens
  134. Senaux
  135. Serviès
  136. Sorèze
  137. Soual
  138. Teulat
  139. Teyssode
  140. Vabre
  141. Valdurenque
  142. Veilhes
  143. Vénès
  144. Verdalle
  145. Viane
  146. Vielmur-sur-Agout
  147. Villeneuve-lès-Lavaur
  148. Le Vintrou
  149. Viterbe
  150. Viviers-lès-Lavaur
  151. Viviers-lès-Montagnes


The arrondissement of Castres was created in 1800.
As a result of the reorganisation of the cantons of France which came into effect in 2015, the borders of the cantons are no longer related to the borders of the arrondissements. The cantons of the arrondissement of Castres were, as of January 2015:
  1. Anglès
  2. Brassac
  3. Castres-Est
  4. Castres-Nord
  5. Castres-Ouest
  6. Castres-Sud
  7. Cuq-Toulza
  8. Dourgne
  9. Graulhet
  10. Labruguière
  11. Lacaune
  12. Lautrec
  13. Lavaur
  14. Mazamet-Nord-Est
  15. Mazamet-Sud-Ouest
  16. Montredon-Labessonnié
  17. Murat-sur-Vèbre
  18. Puylaurens
  19. Roquecourbe
  20. Saint-Amans-Soult
  21. Saint-Paul-Cap-de-Joux
  22. Vabre
  23. Vielmur-sur-Agout