Arrondissement of Limoux

The arrondissement of Limoux is an arrondissement of France in the Aude department in the Occitanie région. Its INSEE code is 112 and its capital city is Limoux. It has 138 communes. Its population is 42,546, and its area is.
It is the southernmost of the arrondissements of the department. The only city in the arrondissement with a population of 10,000 or higher is the capital, Limoux, with 10,180 inhabitants.


The arrondissement of Limoux is bordered to the north by the arrondissement of Carcassonne, to the east by the arrondissement of Narbonne, to the south by the Pyrénées-Orientales department, and to the west by the Ariège department.


The communes of the arrondissement of Limoux, and their INSEE codes, are:
  1. Ajac
  2. Alaigne
  3. Alet-les-Bains
  4. Antugnac
  5. Arques
  6. Artigues
  7. Aunat
  8. Axat
  9. Belcaire
  10. Belcastel-et-Buc
  11. Belfort-sur-Rebenty
  12. Bellegarde-du-Razès
  13. Belvèze-du-Razès
  14. Belvianes-et-Cavirac
  15. Belvis
  16. Bessède-de-Sault
  17. La Bezole
  18. Bouriège
  19. Bourigeole
  20. Le Bousquet
  21. Brugairolles
  22. Bugarach
  23. Cailhau
  24. Cailhavel
  25. Cailla
  26. Cambieure
  27. Campagna-de-Sault
  28. Campagne-sur-Aude
  29. Camps-sur-l'Agly
  30. Camurac
  31. Cassaignes
  32. Castelreng
  33. Caunette-sur-Lauquet
  34. Cépie
  35. Chalabre
  36. Le Clat
  37. Clermont-sur-Lauquet
  38. Comus
  39. Corbières
  40. Coudons
  41. Couiza
  42. Counozouls
  43. Cournanel
  44. Courtauly
  45. La Courtète
  46. Coustaussa
  47. Cubières-sur-Cinoble
  48. La Digne-d'Amont
  49. La Digne-d'Aval
  50. Donazac
  51. Escouloubre
  52. Escueillens-et-Saint-Just-de-Bélengard
  53. Espéraza
  54. Espezel
  55. La Fajolle
  56. Festes-et-Saint-André
  57. Fontanès-de-Sault
  58. Fourtou
  59. Gaja-et-Villedieu
  60. Galinagues
  61. Gardie
  62. Gincla
  63. Ginoles
  64. Gramazie
  65. Granès
  66. Greffeil
  67. Joucou
  68. Ladern-sur-Lauquet
  69. Lauraguel
  70. Lignairolles
  71. Limoux
  72. Loupia
  73. Luc-sur-Aude
  74. Magrie
  75. Malras
  76. Malviès
  77. Marsa
  78. Mazerolles-du-Razès
  79. Mazuby
  80. Mérial
  81. Missègre
  82. Montazels
  83. Montfort-sur-Boulzane
  84. Montgradail
  85. Monthaut
  86. Montjardin
  87. Nébias
  88. Niort-de-Sault
  89. Pauligne
  90. Peyrefitte-du-Razès
  91. Peyrolles
  92. Pieusse
  93. Pomas
  94. Pomy
  95. Puilaurens
  96. Puivert
  97. Quillan
  98. Quirbajou
  99. Rennes-le-Château
  100. Rennes-les-Bains
  101. Rivel
  102. Rodome
  103. Roquefeuil
  104. Roquefort-de-Sault
  105. Roquetaillade-et-Conilhac
  106. Routier
  107. Saint-Benoît
  108. Saint-Couat-du-Razès
  109. Sainte-Colombe-sur-Guette
  110. Sainte-Colombe-sur-l'Hers
  111. Saint-Ferriol
  112. Saint-Hilaire
  113. Saint-Jean-de-Paracol
  114. Saint-Julia-de-Bec
  115. Saint-Just-et-le-Bézu
  116. Saint-Louis-et-Parahou
  117. Saint-Martin-Lys
  118. Saint-Martin-de-Villereglan
  119. Saint-Polycarpe
  120. Salvezines
  121. Seignalens
  122. La Serpent
  123. Serres
  124. Sonnac-sur-l'Hers
  125. Sougraigne
  126. Terroles
  127. Tourreilles
  128. Tréziers
  129. Val-de-Lambronne
  130. Val-du-Faby
  131. Valmigère
  132. Véraza
  133. Villardebelle
  134. Villar-Saint-Anselme
  135. Villarzel-du-Razès
  136. Villebazy
  137. Villefort
  138. Villelongue-d'Aude


The arrondissement of Limoux was created in 1800. At the January 2017 reorganization of the arrondissements of Aude, it lost seven communes to the arrondissement of Carcassonne.
As a result of the reorganisation of the cantons of France which came into effect in 2015, the borders of the cantons are no longer related to the borders of the arrondissements. The cantons of the arrondissement of Limoux were, as of January 2015:
  1. Alaigne
  2. Axat
  3. Belcaire
  4. Chalabre
  5. Couiza
  6. Limoux
  7. Quillan
  8. Saint-Hilaire