Arrondissement of Mâcon

The arrondissement of Mâcon is an arrondissement in the department of Saône-et-Loire, in the French region of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. It has 120 communes. Its population is 112,854, and its area is.


The communes of the arrondissement of Mâcon, and their INSEE codes, are:
  1. Ameugny
  2. Azé
  3. Bergesserin
  4. Berzé-la-Ville
  5. Berzé-le-Châtel
  6. Bissy-la-Mâconnaise
  7. Blanot
  8. Bonnay
  9. Bourgvilain
  10. Bray
  11. Buffières
  12. Burgy
  13. Burzy
  14. Bussières
  15. Chaintré
  16. Chânes
  17. La Chapelle-de-Guinchay
  18. La Chapelle-du-Mont-de-France
  19. La Chapelle-sous-Brancion
  20. Charbonnières
  21. Chardonnay
  22. Charnay-lès-Mâcon
  23. Chasselas
  24. Château
  25. Chérizet
  26. Chevagny-les-Chevrières
  27. Chevagny-sur-Guye
  28. Chiddes
  29. Chissey-lès-Mâcon
  30. Clessé
  31. Cluny
  32. Cortambert
  33. Cortevaix
  34. Crêches-sur-Saône
  35. Cruzille
  36. Curtil-sous-Buffières
  37. Davayé
  38. Dompierre-les-Ormes
  39. Donzy-le-Pertuis
  40. Farges-lès-Mâcon
  41. Flagy
  42. Fleurville
  43. Fuissé
  44. Germolles-sur-Grosne
  45. Grevilly
  46. La Guiche
  47. Hurigny
  48. Igé
  49. Jalogny
  50. Joncy
  51. Lacrost
  52. Laizé
  53. Leynes
  54. Lournand
  55. Lugny
  56. Mâcon
  57. Martailly-lès-Brancion
  58. Massilly
  59. Matour
  60. Mazille
  61. Milly-Lamartine
  62. Montbellet
  63. Montmelard
  64. Navour-sur-Grosne
  65. Ozenay
  66. Passy
  67. Péronne
  68. Pierreclos
  69. Plottes
  70. Pressy-sous-Dondin
  71. Préty
  72. Prissé
  73. Pruzilly
  74. La Roche-Vineuse
  75. Romanèche-Thorins
  76. Royer
  77. Sailly
  78. Saint-Albain
  79. Saint-Amour-Bellevue
  80. Saint-André-le-Désert
  81. Saint-Clément-sur-Guye
  82. Sainte-Cécile
  83. Saint-Gengoux-de-Scissé
  84. Saint-Huruge
  85. Saint-Léger-sous-la-Bussière
  86. Saint-Marcelin-de-Cray
  87. Saint-Martin-Belle-Roche
  88. Saint-Martin-de-Salencey
  89. Saint-Martin-la-Patrouille
  90. Saint-Maurice-de-Satonnay
  91. Saint-Pierre-le-Vieux
  92. Saint-Point
  93. Saint-Symphorien-d'Ancelles
  94. Saint-Vérand
  95. Saint-Vincent-des-Prés
  96. Saint-Ythaire
  97. La Salle
  98. Salornay-sur-Guye
  99. Sancé
  100. Senozan
  101. Serrières
  102. Sigy-le-Châtel
  103. Sivignon
  104. Sologny
  105. Solutré-Pouilly
  106. Taizé
  107. Tournus
  108. Tramayes
  109. Trambly
  110. Trivy
  111. La Truchère
  112. Uchizy
  113. Varennes-lès-Mâcon
  114. Vergisson
  115. Verosvres
  116. Verzé
  117. Le Villars
  118. La Vineuse sur Fregande
  119. Vinzelles
  120. Viré


The arrondissement of Mâcon was created in 1800. In January 2017 it gained one commune from the arrondissement of Chalon-sur-Saône and 10 communes from the arrondissement of Charolles, and it lost eight communes to the arrondissement of Chalon-sur-Saône and two communes to the arrondissement of Louhans.
As a result of the reorganisation of the cantons of France which came into effect in 2015, the borders of the cantons are no longer related to the borders of the arrondissements. The cantons of the arrondissement of Mâcon were, as of January 2015:
  1. La Chapelle-de-Guinchay
  2. Cluny
  3. Lugny
  4. Mâcon-Centre
  5. Mâcon-Nord
  6. Mâcon-Sud
  7. Matour
  8. Saint-Gengoux-le-National
  9. Tournus
  10. Tramayes