Arrondissement of Mont-de-Marsan

The arrondissement of Mont-de-Marsan is an arrondissement of France in the Landes départment in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. It has 175 communes. Its population is 180,294, and its area is. Its surface area of over km² is the largest of any arrondissement in Metropolitan France, its size being comparable to an entire département such as the Eure.


The communes of the arrondissement of Mont-de-Marsan, and their INSEE codes, are:
  1. Aire-sur-l'Adour
  2. Arboucave
  3. Arengosse
  4. Argelouse
  5. Artassenx
  6. Arthez-d'Armagnac
  7. Arue
  8. Arx
  9. Aubagnan
  10. Audignon
  11. Aureilhan
  12. Aurice
  13. Bahus-Soubiran
  14. Banos
  15. Bascons
  16. Bas-Mauco
  17. Bats
  18. Baudignan
  19. Belhade
  20. Bélis
  21. Benquet
  22. Betbezer-d'Armagnac
  23. Bias
  24. Biscarrosse
  25. Bordères-et-Lamensans
  26. Bostens
  27. Bougue
  28. Bourdalat
  29. Bourriot-Bergonce
  30. Bretagne-de-Marsan
  31. Brocas
  32. Buanes
  33. Cachen
  34. Callen
  35. Campagne
  36. Campet-et-Lamolère
  37. Canenx-et-Réaut
  38. Castandet
  39. Castelnau-Tursan
  40. Castelner
  41. Cauna
  42. Cazalis
  43. Cazères-sur-l'Adour
  44. Cère
  45. Classun
  46. Clèdes
  47. Commensacq
  48. Coudures
  49. Créon-d'Armagnac
  50. Duhort-Bachen
  51. Dumes
  52. Escalans
  53. Escource
  54. Estigarde
  55. Eugénie-les-Bains
  56. Eyres-Moncube
  57. Fargues
  58. Le Frêche
  59. Gabarret
  60. Gaillères
  61. Garein
  62. Gastes
  63. Geaune
  64. Geloux
  65. Grenade-sur-l'Adour
  66. Hagetmau
  67. Haut-Mauco
  68. Herré
  69. Hontanx
  70. Horsarrieu
  71. Labastide-Chalosse
  72. Labastide-d'Armagnac
  73. Labouheyre
  74. Labrit
  75. Lacajunte
  76. Lacquy
  77. Lacrabe
  78. Laglorieuse
  79. Lagrange
  80. Larrivière-Saint-Savin
  81. Latrille
  82. Lauret
  83. Lencouacq
  84. Lesperon
  85. Liposthey
  86. Losse
  87. Lubbon
  88. Lucbardez-et-Bargues
  89. Lüe
  90. Luglon
  91. Lussagnet
  92. Luxey
  93. Maillas
  94. Maillères
  95. Mano
  96. Mant
  97. Mauries
  98. Maurrin
  99. Mauvezin-d'Armagnac
  100. Mazerolles
  101. Mézos
  102. Mimizan
  103. Miramont-Sensacq
  104. Momuy
  105. Monget
  106. Monségur
  107. Montaut
  108. Mont-de-Marsan
  109. Montégut
  110. Montgaillard
  111. Montsoué
  112. Morcenx-la-Nouvelle
  113. Morganx
  114. Moustey
  115. Onesse-Laharie
  116. Ousse-Suzan
  117. Parentis-en-Born
  118. Parleboscq
  119. Payros-Cazautets
  120. Pécorade
  121. Perquie
  122. Peyre
  123. Philondenx
  124. Pimbo
  125. Pissos
  126. Pontenx-les-Forges
  127. Poudenx
  128. Pouydesseaux
  129. Pujo-le-Plan
  130. Puyol-Cazalet
  131. Renung
  132. Retjons
  133. Rimbez-et-Baudiets
  134. Roquefort
  135. Sabres
  136. Saint-Agnet
  137. Saint-Avit
  138. Saint-Cricq-Chalosse
  139. Saint-Cricq-Villeneuve
  140. Sainte-Colombe
  141. Sainte-Eulalie-en-Born
  142. Sainte-Foy
  143. Saint-Gein
  144. Saint-Gor
  145. Saint-Julien-d'Armagnac
  146. Saint-Justin
  147. Saint-Loubouer
  148. Saint-Martin-d'Oney
  149. Saint-Maurice-sur-Adour
  150. Saint-Paul-en-Born
  151. Saint-Perdon
  152. Saint-Pierre-du-Mont
  153. Saint-Sever
  154. Samadet
  155. Sanguinet
  156. Sarbazan
  157. Sarraziet
  158. Sarron
  159. Saugnacq-et-Muret
  160. Le Sen
  161. Serres-Gaston
  162. Serreslous-et-Arribans
  163. Solférino
  164. Sorbets
  165. Sore
  166. Trensacq
  167. Uchacq-et-Parentis
  168. Urgons
  169. Vert
  170. Vielle-Soubiran
  171. Vielle-Tursan
  172. Le Vignau
  173. Villeneuve-de-Marsan
  174. Ychoux
  175. Ygos-Saint-Saturnin


The arrondissement of Mont-de-Marsan was created in 1800.
As a result of the reorganisation of the cantons of France which came into effect in 2015, the borders of the cantons are no longer related to the borders of the arrondissements. The cantons of the arrondissement of Mont-de-Marsan were, as of January 2015:
  1. Aire-sur-l'Adour
  2. Gabarret
  3. Geaune
  4. Grenade-sur-l'Adour
  5. Hagetmau
  6. Labrit
  7. Mimizan
  8. Mont-de-Marsan-Nord
  9. Mont-de-Marsan-Sud
  10. Morcenx
  11. Parentis-en-Born
  12. Pissos
  13. Roquefort
  14. Sabres
  15. Saint-Sever
  16. Sore
  17. Villeneuve-de-Marsan