Arrondissement of Saint-Quentin

The arrondissement of Saint-Quentin is an arrondissement of France in the Aisne department in the Hauts-de-France region. It has 126 communes. Its population is 128,958, and its area is.


The communes of the arrondissement of Saint-Quentin, and their INSEE codes are:
  1. Alaincourt
  2. Annois
  3. Artemps
  4. Attilly
  5. Aubencheul-aux-Bois
  6. Aubigny-aux-Kaisnes
  7. Beaurevoir
  8. Beauvois-en-Vermandois
  9. Becquigny
  10. Bellenglise
  11. Bellicourt
  12. Benay
  13. Berthenicourt
  14. Bohain-en-Vermandois
  15. Bony
  16. Brancourt-le-Grand
  17. Bray-Saint-Christophe
  18. Brissay-Choigny
  19. Brissy-Hamégicourt
  20. Castres
  21. Le Catelet
  22. Caulaincourt
  23. Cerizy
  24. Châtillon-sur-Oise
  25. Chevresis-Monceau
  26. Clastres
  27. Contescourt
  28. Croix-Fonsomme
  29. Cugny
  30. Dallon
  31. Douchy
  32. Dury
  33. Essigny-le-Grand
  34. Essigny-le-Petit
  35. Estrées
  36. Étaves-et-Bocquiaux
  37. Étreillers
  38. Fayet
  39. La Ferté-Chevresis
  40. Fieulaine
  41. Flavy-le-Martel
  42. Fluquières
  43. Fonsomme
  44. Fontaine-lès-Clercs
  45. Fontaine-Notre-Dame
  46. Fontaine-Uterte
  47. Foreste
  48. Francilly-Selency
  49. Fresnoy-le-Grand
  50. Gauchy
  51. Germaine
  52. Gibercourt
  53. Gouy
  54. Gricourt
  55. Grugies
  56. Happencourt
  57. Hargicourt
  58. Harly
  59. Hinacourt
  60. Holnon
  61. Homblières
  62. Itancourt
  63. Jeancourt
  64. Joncourt
  65. Jussy
  66. Lanchy
  67. Lehaucourt
  68. Lempire
  69. Lesdins
  70. Levergies
  71. Ly-Fontaine
  72. Magny-la-Fosse
  73. Maissemy
  74. Marcy
  75. Mesnil-Saint-Laurent
  76. Mézières-sur-Oise
  77. Montbrehain
  78. Mont-d'Origny
  79. Montescourt-Lizerolles
  80. Montigny-en-Arrouaise
  81. Morcourt
  82. Moÿ-de-l'Aisne
  83. Nauroy
  84. Neuville-Saint-Amand
  85. Neuvillette
  86. Ollezy
  87. Omissy
  88. Origny-Sainte-Benoite
  89. Parpeville
  90. Pithon
  91. Pleine-Selve
  92. Pontru
  93. Pontruet
  94. Prémont
  95. Ramicourt
  96. Regny
  97. Remaucourt
  98. Remigny
  99. Renansart
  100. Ribemont
  101. Roupy
  102. Rouvroy
  103. Saint-Quentin
  104. Saint-Simon
  105. Savy
  106. Seboncourt
  107. Sequehart
  108. Serain
  109. Seraucourt-le-Grand
  110. Séry-lès-Mézières
  111. Sissy
  112. Sommette-Eaucourt
  113. Surfontaine
  114. Thenelles
  115. Trefcon
  116. Tugny-et-Pont
  117. Urvillers
  118. Vaux-en-Vermandois
  119. Vendelles
  120. Vendeuil
  121. Vendhuile
  122. Le Verguier
  123. Vermand
  124. Villeret
  125. Villers-le-Sec
  126. Villers-Saint-Christophe


The arrondissement of Saint-Quentin was created in 1800.
As a result of the reorganisation of the cantons of France which came into effect in 2015, the borders of the cantons are no longer related to the borders of the arrondissements. The cantons of the arrondissement of Saint-Quentin were, as of January 2015:
  1. Bohain-en-Vermandois
  2. Le Catelet
  3. Moÿ-de-l'Aisne
  4. Ribemont
  5. Saint-Quentin-Centre
  6. Saint-Quentin-Nord
  7. Saint-Quentin-Sud
  8. Saint-Simon
  9. Vermand
