Art Bulla

Art Bulla is the founder of The Church of Jesus Christ, a schismatic sect in the Latter Day Saint movement that was organized in 1983.
Bulla converted to Mormonism and joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around 1970. In the early 1980s, he began teaching other Latter-day Saints that he was the "One Mighty and Strong that Joseph Smith, Jr. prophesied would come to set the church in order. In 1983, Bulla organized the Church of Jesus Christ in Salt Lake City, Utah. He also acted as the editor of his church's newsletter, Zion's Messenger and Advocate.
Bulla was interviewed in the anti-Mormon movie The God Makers II with the title "Mormon Prophet" under his name.
Bulla was still actively advancing his claims in 2013. He now openly requires his followers to pray in his name.