Art collection of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia

The Art Collection of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia is a private collection of artworks, mainly from the region, and acquired by the financial institution . The collection is divided among two locations in the city of Perugia: the Palazzo Graziani and the Palazzo Baldeschi. The Palazzo Graziani was designed by Jacopo Barozzi,. The building is also notable for its sumptuous main salon, the Sala della Presidenza, which was decorated at the end of the 19th century with large canvases and frescoes painted by Annibale Brugnoli, recalling both events of the Risorgimento and the history of Perugia. The Palazzo Baldeschi al Corso was obtained by the foundation on November 28, 2002.
