Arturo Reggio

Arturo Reggio was an Italian chess player.
Born in Gorizia, then the Austro-Hungarian Empire, he started playing chess as an engineering student at the Graz University of Technology and at the Imperial-Royal Polytechnic Institute of Vienna, both in Austria. After he settled in Milan in the 1890s, he joined the Societá Scacchistica Milanese and edited a chess column for the magazine La Bicicletta, since 1898.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Reggio was an unofficial Italian Chess Champion. He won five times in the strongest national tournaments: at Rome 1900, Venice 1901, Florence 1905, Bologna 1913, and Milan 1916.
He also took 3rd at Milan 1906, took 3rd at Rome 1911, won at Bologna 1912 and won at Milan 1912.
Reggio played in several international tournaments where took 11th at Monte Carlo 1901, took 19th at Monte Carlo 1902, took 13th at Monte Carlo 1903, tied for 7-8th at Barmen 1905, took 8th at Scheveningen 1905, took 9th at Ostend 1906.
He died in Milan.