Arutani–Sape languages

The Arutani–Sape, also known as Awake–Kaliana or Kalianan, are a proposed language family that includes two of the most poorly documented languages in South America, both of which are nearly extinct. They are at best only distantly related, but Kaufman finds the connection convincing. However, Migliazza & Campbell maintain that there is no evidence for linking them. The two languages are,
Kaufman also adds Awaké to the family, a connection which had been proposed by Greenberg.
Kaufman states that a further connection with Maku of Roraima is "promising".


Migliazza (1978)

Migliazza gives the following Swadesh list table for Uruak, Sape, and Maku:

Loukotka (1968)

lists the following basic vocabulary items for Kaliána.