Asclepius (Sikelianos)

Asclepius is the sixth tragedy of Angelos Sikelianos and the only one that was unfinished. It was partially written between 1915 and the end of the poet's life in 1951. It was published in 1955.
The main plot takes place in late antiquity Greece which is under the apparent influence of Rome, as well as during the first years of Christianity, in the 4th century AD, and follows the struggle of sick athlete Igesias to get well – by putting his hopes on Asclepius and his sanctuary in Epidaurus. The scenery clearly reflects the intention of Sikelianos to talk about a time of conflict between two major traditions and their final reconciliation and synthesis –in the work. The character of Igesias is carrying within the purity of the ancient ideals, but also embraces the Christian beliefs, proceeding to a blending of the two worldviews.
In this way, the improvement of the health of Igesias will be made possible through those changes that the people will willingly accept and implement aiming at their spiritual progress, rebirth and its treatment of the disease. At the same time, the soul of the poet Igesias - is cured from all personal passions and problems and he finds Health, a meeting that is affecting the situation of the poet in the final period of writing of the play: Sikelianos is ill and is gradually unable to leave his sickbed. Therefore, the redemption of the soul of Igesias which will be the salvation for the poet, is the salvation of his own soul.
The connection with ancient Greek tragedy is once again present. It has been suggested that Igesias – who comes from Argos – be identified with the "sick" Orestis of the ancient drama, who also comes from Argos.