Ashburton (ward)

Ashburton was a ward in the London Borough of Croydon, in London in the United Kingdom. The ward covered the Ashburton area, as well as covering the main retail area of Addiscombe, the Stroud Green, Tollgate and Longheath Garden estates, and large parts of northern Shirley. The population of the ward at the 2011 Census was 14,721.
The ward formed part of the Croydon Central constituency, which is one of the most marginal in the country, 165 votes separating the Conservatives and Labour at the 2015 General Election.
The ward returned three councillors every four years to Croydon Council. At the 2014 London local elections Maddie Henson, Stephen Mann, and Andrew Rendle were elected to the council achieving a 9% swing. All of them were running as Labour Party candidates.

Ward result