Ashk Dahlén

Ashk Peter Dahlén is a Swedish-Iranian scholar, linguist, Iranologist, and translator of classical Persian literature. He is trilingual in Swedish, Persian, and English.


Ashk Dahlén was adopted at 7 months of age by a Swedish couple after having been living at an orphanage in Tehran. His life story provided inspiration, though almost entirely fictional, for the IRIB3 Television drama series The Green Journey directed by Mohammad Hossein Latifi, in which the main character, a young adoptee played by Parsa Pirouzfar, travels to Iran in search for his birth parents.


Ashk Dahlén currently acts as Associate Professor in Iranian languages at Uppsala University. His thesis Islamic Law, Epistemology and Modernity has been published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis. In 2003 he was recognized with the Beskow Award by The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities for the best dissertation in humanities.
Ashk Dahlén is the author of several academic studies on Persian literature, Iranian cultural history, Zoroastrianism, and Sufism. He has published translations of classical Persian authors, such as Rumi, Hafez, Nizami Aruzi, and Araqi, in Swedish.
Ashk Dahlén is a member of the Research Collegium of the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, The Iranian Academy of Philosophy, and the Nathan Söderblom Society. He is the Founding President of the Scandinavian Society for Iranian Studies.

Selected work in English