Asociación de Scouts del Ecuador

The Asociación de Scouts del Ecuador, the national Scouting organization of Ecuador, was founded in 1920, and became a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in 1922. The coeducational Asociación de Scouts del Ecuador has 3,220 members as of 2011.
Cristóbal Vela introduced Scouting to boys in Quito which spread to other cities of the Highland Region, although they are less known in the Coast Region.
Scouting is a respected organization in Ecuador and has been declared an "institution useful for the public welfare" by the government. Service activities are part of the Scout program. Scouts are a welcome sight during Ecuador's frequent earthquakes, as they are well organized and most helpful.

Program sections and ideals

The Lobato motto is Siempre Mejor, Always Better; the Scout Motto is Siempre listo, Always Ready; the Caminante motto is Siempre Alerta, Always Alert; and the Rover motto is Siempre Sirviendo, Always Serving.
The membership badge of the Asociación de Scouts del Ecuador incorporates the Mitad del Mundo monument delineating the equator.

Scout Oath

Promento por mi honor hacer todo cuanto de mi dependa para cumplir mis deberes Para con Dios y la patria, ayudar al projimo en toda circumstancia y cumplir fielmente la ley Scout.
I promise on my honor, that I will do my duty to God and to the fatherland, that I will help my fellow man in any circumstance and comply faithfully to the Scout Law.

Scout Law