Asociación de Scouts del Paraguay

The Asociación de Scouts del Paraguay is the national Scouting organization of Paraguay. Scouting in Paraguay was founded in 1960 and became a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in 1962. The coeducational association has 369 members.

Program sections

Siempre Listo, Always Prepared.

Scout Oath

Por mi honor y por la gracia de Dios prometo hacer todo cuanto de mi dependa para, cumplir com mis deberes para con Dios y la patria ayudar al projimo en todas circunstancias y cumplir fielmente la Ley Scout.
By my honour and God's grace I promise to make everything on my reach to obey my responsibilities with God and my country, help my neighbour in all circumstances and loyally obey the Scout Law.