Aspremont (chanson de geste)

Chanson d'Aspremont is a 12th-century Old French chanson de geste. The poem comprises 11, 376 verses, grouped into rhymed laisses. The verses are decasyllables mixed with alexandrines.
In this tale, the African Saracen king Agolant and his son Aumon invade Calabria and defy Charlemagne through their messenger Balan. Charlemagne's troops come to fight them, but Charlemagne's nephew Roland is not allowed to join the battle due to his young age. The armies reach Aspremont, and Charlemagne's paladins Naimes and Girart d'Eufrate prove their worth.
Roland joins the battle by arming himself with a rod and mounting a horse, and later commandeering Duke Naime's horse Morel. Charlemagne fights Aumon in single combat, initially protected by a helm with a jewel on the nasal that even sustains blows from Aumon's sword Durendal. But Aumon strips this helm away and Charlemagne is in mortal danger, when Roland arrives. Roland defeats Aumon, and saves Charlemagne. Roland captures Aumon's sword Durendal and his horse Viellantif, and his olifant. Charles knights Roland, girding him with Durendal.
In the end, Agolant dies and Charlemagne returns in triumph, although future battles with a disloyal Girart d'Eufrate are predicted.
Versions of this chanson were extremely popular in England, Italy and even Scandinavia.

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