Association des Scouts du Rwanda

The Association des Scouts du Rwanda is the national Scouting organization of Rwanda. Scouting in Rwanda was founded in 1940 and became a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in 1975. The coeducational association has 18,884 members.


Scouting in Rwanda began in 1940. In the following years a number of different associations developed. In 1966, these formed a joint body, the Association des Scouts du Rwanda, which was admitted to WOSM in 1975.
The ASR hosted the African Scout Conference from September 3 to 7, 2007, in La Palisse Hotel in Kigali. This conference, preceded by the 4th Africa Scout Youth Forum, held on August 30 to September 2, 2007, had as a topic Scouting, an education for a peaceful world, united against violence.
The ASR is supported by a number of European and American Scout associations, including the German Deutsche Pfadfinderschaft Sankt Georg, the Belgian Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen, the Association des Scouts du Canada and the Boy Scouts of America.

Program and ideals

The ASR is divided in four branches:
The Scout Motto is Uwe Tayari, Be Prepared in Swahili, Ube Maso in Kinyarwanda, and Sois Prêt in French.