Association of European Border Regions

The Association of European Border Regions is an organization of European regions and deals with cross-border cooperation in Europe and other continents. AEBR's main office is based in Gronau, Germany. It also has a Project's Office in Berlin, an Antenna in Brussels and Info Centres for Ukraine in Kharkiv and for the Balkans in Novi Sad. It represents the interests of the European border and cross-border regions at European, national and regional levels.


The first initiative to create a "union for border regions" was discussed in 1965 at the International Regional Planning Conference in Basel. After extensive preparation, ten border regions from Europe came together on June 17–18, 1971, and created a Standing Conference of European Border Regions that later was called "Association of European Border Regions". They elected Alfred Mozer as the first president at AEBR.
PresidentInaugurationEnd of Term
Alfred Mozer 19711975
Horst Gerlach 19751979
Dr Wolfgang Schäuble 19791983
Dr Karl Ahrens 19841996
Joan M. Vallvé 19962004
Lambert van Nistelrooij 20042009
Karl-Heinz Lambertz 20092017
Oliver Paasch20172019
Ann-Sofi Backgren2019current president


AEBR supports European border and cross-border regions in order to:
In order to reach their objectives, AEBR works together at European level with:

General Assembly

The General Assembly votes for the President and the Executive Committee and decides which applicants are accepted into the organization, as well as to determine contribution fees.

The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the President, Treasurer and at least seven Vice-Presidents and twenty members representing border and cross-border regions who receive a two-year term once voted into office. They are responsible for positions adopted by the AEBR on vital issues and cooperating with European and national institutions, organizations and associations. They are also responsible for appointing the Secretary General. The President represents AEBR externally and also is responsible to make joint decisions with the Secretary General. The Secretary General has the power and also authority to represent AEBR.

Subsidiary Bodies

The Association of European Border Regions may open forums, form committees and employ representatives from European and other political bodies, associations and social groups that receive an advisory capacity. AEBR also organizes task forces and working groups on different issues of interest for European border and cross-border regions to which belong representatives of European institutions and political committees, associations and society-relevant groups with an advisory role. The "Advisory Committee for cross-border cooperation", is composed of scientists and stakeholders that advise AEBR in all matters relating to cross-border cooperation. This committee may also make proposals for solving issues in the area of cross-border cooperation.


AEBR formed about 100 border and cross-border regions, representing over 200 border regions within and outside the EU. Cross-border regions and larger combinations often have multiple regions as members.

Full members

A cross-border region, border or associations of border regions within the European Union can apply as a full member with full voting rights.

Non-voting members

Members without voting rights who can apply as members without voting rights are border and cross-border regions. When accepted as a non-voting member, they receive observer status for two years until their representative status has been conclusively confirmed. Advisory members can also be non-voting members, who can be individuals, associations, institutions and institutes working in the area of cross-border cooperation.


The languages primarily used at AEBR as working languages are German, English, French, Polish, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and, if need be, other languages of member regions.
