
Astrofaes was a Ukrainian folk and black metal band from the town of Kharkiv, first coming into being in 1996 as a project between Thurios and Khorus. The band managed a very productive first year, releasing the demo Ad Infinitum, the live album The Attraction: Heavens and Earth and a second demo also titled The Attraction: Heavens and Earth by autumn of 1997. Despite trouble maintaining a record label, the group managed to continue its productivity; by 2005 Those Whose Past Is Immortal marked their eighth release. Astrofaes have employed Saturious and Munruthel, both involved in Lucifugum and Nokturnal Mortum, for keyboards and drums, respectively.
Like many other black metal outfits from Ukraine, Astrofaes focus heavily both musically and lyrically on Slavonic pride and folklore and bear an atmospheric element less evident in their Scandinavian counterparts. The band is associated with the National Socialist black metal scene.
The band had released recently their last work Idea. Form. Essence... on November 2007.
