Athir al-Din al-Abhari

Athīr al‐Dīn al‐Mufaḍḍal ibn ʿUmar ibn al‐Mufaḍḍal al‐Samarqandī al‐Abharī, also known as Athīr al‐Dīn al‐Munajjim was an Iranian philosopher, astronomer, astrologer and mathematician. Other than his influential writings, he had many famous disciples.


His birthplace is contested among sources. According to Encyclopedia of Islam and Encyclopedia Islamica, he was born in Abhar, a small town between Qazvin and Zanjan. Encyclopedia Iranica mentions that he was born in Mosul, but according to Encyclopedia Islamica, none of his oldest biographers mentioned Mosul as his birthplace. Beside the city of Abhar, his epithet al-Abharī could suggest that he or his ancestors originally stem from the Abhar tribe. He may have died of paralysis in Adharbayjan.
He is said to have been a student or teacher in various schools at Khurāsān, Baghdad, and Arbil, living for some time in Sivas. Ibn Khallikān reports that he was student of Kamāl al‐Dīn ibn Yūnus, but other sources state that he worked as an assistant to Fakhr al‐Dīn al‐Rāzī.


; Astronomy
; Mathematics
; Philosophy