Atlántico Department
Atlántico is a department of Colombia, located in northern Colombia with the Caribbean Sea to its north, the Bolívar Department to its west and south separated by the Canal del Dique, and the Magdalena Department to its east separated by the Magdalena River. It is the third-smallest of the country's departments but its population of 2,535,517 makes it one of the most densely populated.
Its capital is Barranquilla. Other important cities include Sabanalarga, Soledad and Malambo.Governors
- Baranoa
- Barranquilla
- Campo de la Cruz
- Candelaria
- Galapa
- Juan de Acosta
- Luruaco
- Malambo
- Manatí
- Palmar de Varela
- Piojó
- Polonuevo
- Ponedera
- Puerto Colombia
- Repelón
- Sabanagrande
- Sabanalarga
- Santa Lucía
- Santo Tomás
- Soledad
- Suán
- Tubará
- Usiacurí