Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission is a commission of U.S. states formed to coordinate and manage fishery resources — including marine fish, shellfish, and anadromous fish - along the Atlantic coast of the United States.
The Commission was formed by the 15 Atlantic coast states in 1940 and chartered by the United States Congress in 1942 in recognition that "fish do not adhere to political boundaries."
The Commission serves as a deliberative body, coordinating the conservation and management of the states shared near-shore fishery resources – marine, shell, and anadromous – for sustainable use.
Member states are Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Each member state is represented by three Commissioners: the director for the state's marine fisheries management agency, a member of the state legislature, and an individual appointed by the governor. Commissioners participate in the deliberations in the Commission's five main policy arenas: Interstate fisheries management, research and statistics, fisheries science, habitat conservation, and law enforcement. The one-state one-vote concept allows Commissioners to address stakeholder-resource balance issues at the state level.
"The Commission focuses on responsible stewardship of marine fisheries resources. It serves as a forum for the states to collectively address fisheries issues under the premise that as a group, using a cooperative approach, they can achieve more than they could as individuals. The Commission does not promote a particular state or a particular stakeholder sector."

ASMFC Mission

"To promote the better utilization of the fisheries, marine, shell, and diadromous, of the Atlantic seaboard by the development of a joint program for the promotion and protection of such fisheries, and by the prevention of physical waste of the fisheries from any cause."

ASMFC Vision

"Sustainable and Cooperative Management of Atlantic Coastal Fisheries"

ASMFC Managed Species

Currently the ASMFC manages 27 species.
These species include:
  1. American eel
  2. American lobster
  3. Atlantic croaker
  4. Atlantic herring
  5. Atlantic menhaden
  6. Atlantic sturgeon
  7. Black Drum
  8. Black sea bass
  9. Bluefish
  10. Coastal sharks
  11. Cobia
  12. Horseshoe crab
  13. Jonah crab
  14. Northern shrimp
  15. Red drum
  16. Scup
  17. Shad & river herring
  18. Spanish mackerel
  19. Spiny dogfish
  20. Spot croaker
  21. Spotted seatrout
  22. Striped bass
  23. Summer flounder
  24. Tautog
  25. Weakfish
  26. Winter flounder