Atse Yohannes School (Zala)

Atse Yohannes School is a public school for grades 1 through 8 in Zala, Degol Woyane, Dogu’a Tembien, Tigray, Ethiopia.


The Atse Yohannes School holds four classrooms.
In 2020, the school had 362 students, 209 girls and 153 boys.
There were:
Classes are organised by morning and afternoon shifts, using the same classrooms.

Water and sanitation

Water is available in a spring nearby the school.
There were no specific facilities for girls handling menstrual hygiene; this is a major reason for adolescent girls dropping out from school.
Up to 2020, there was no toilet building in the school compound.
In 2020, the School WatSani project has built an Ecosan toilet building at this school. Through nudging approach, the students are sensitised for using the sanitation facilities.


All children travel to school on foot. Many students will walk more than an hour, twice a day, to come to school.

School name

The school is named after Ethiopian Emperor Yohannes IV who was born in this village and baptised in the nearby May Baha rock church.

Homonymous school

This school should not be confused with the Atse Yohannes Primary and Secondary school in Mekelle, which is way larger in number of students, and much better equipped.