Attock Oil Company

Attock Oil Company, informally called Attock Group, also known as Pharaon Group, is a UK-domiciled conglomerate company based in Manchester, England, United Kingdom. It is the sole vertically integrated oil conglomerate company active in Pakistani market.
The group is owned by Pharaon Family.


Attock Oil Company Limited was incorporated in England on 1 December 1913, and extended into Pakistan as a branch office of a foreign company for principal business of exploration, drilling and production of petroleum products.
AOC met its first oil discovery in 1915 at Khaur, Attock District. Thereafter,  AOC made significant contributions in promoting oil and gas exploration in the country by opening up the Potwar Basin as a new oil province. The Potwar Basin remained the only oil producing basin in Pakistan till the early 1970s.
In 2004, the company invested in Pakistan. It included: petroleum pipeline from Machike, Lahore to Taru Jabba, Peshawar, and a 150 MW power plant in Rawalpindi District.


The Attock Oil Company consists of the following companies:
