Audio Analytic

Audio Analytic is a British company headquartered in Cambridge, England that has developed a patented sound recognition software framework called ai3 which provides technology with the ability to understand context through sound. This framework includes an embeddable software platform that can react to a range of sounds such as smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms, window breakage, infant crying and dogs barking. Aimed at consumer technology, Audio Analytic's software, ai3, can be embedded into a wide range of intelligent devices in the home, out and about, or in the car. It is hardware-agnostic and designed to run on-device and not in the cloud.


The company was based on founder Christopher Mitchell's doctoral research from Anglia Ruskin University, with seed investment from EEDA and local Cambridge Angels investors.
The company's investors include Cambridge Angels, Rockspring, Martlets, Cambridge Investment Capital and IQ Capital Partners.

Development milestones

Audio Analytic's product is ai3, a software package that is embedded on a device, along with an assortment of sound profiles that the software can recognise, including: