August Klecka

August Klecka was a Czech-American politician and newspaper editor. He was a member of the Baltimore City Council from 1915 to 1933, representing Ward 7. Upon his election in 1915, Klecka became the first Czech-American to be elected to the Baltimore City Council. He was a leading personality in the Czech community and for Czech Democrats in Baltimore. Klecka represented Czech voters and ran the Slavic Building and Loan Association. He also performed as acting mayor of Baltimore for a time in 1931.
Klecka was born on 2 February 1878. His father Josef Klečka was a prominent figure in Baltimore. His mother Marie Hraničková was an immigrant from Kvášňovice. August's brother James was Chief Magistrate of the People's Court of Baltimore.
Starting in 1929, Klecka served as the editor of the Telegraf, a Czech-language newspaper in Baltimore.
He was appointed as Federal Marshal for the state of Maryland by Franklin D. Roosevelt, serving from 1933 to 1946.
After Klecka's death in 1946, his wife Lillian took over his role as Ward 7's most important political figure.