Austin Organs

Austin Organs, Inc. is a manufacturer of pipe organs based in Hartford, Connecticut. The company is one of the oldest continuously-operating organ manufacturers in the United States. The first instruments were built in 1893 with the Austin Patent Airchest, and many remain in fine playing condition to this day.
Austin Organ Company was founded in 1898 by John Turnell Austin in Boston, Massachusetts. Austin was from England and had come to the United States in 1889. Prior to founding the company, Austin worked for Farrand & Votey Organ Company in Detroit, Michigan. His first organs were manufactured in Detroit, but later established his operation in Boston.
Austin developed the Universal Air Chest System. This was an airtight chamber with the chest action on the ceiling of the chamber. A feature of this system was that the chest could be entered from below while the organ was turned on; this allowed for fine adjustments of the organ keying action. The modern chest design was further developed in 1913, and has been refined over the years. In 1905 the company began building electric consoles; these have also been refined over the years.
The company became Austin Organs, Inc. in 1937. That year the company moved from its original location in Boston, MA to Hartford, CT. The company still builds instruments at the four-story edifice located at 156 Woodland Street. During the Second World War, the company contributed to the war effort by constructing gliders.
In March 2005 the company closed when annual revenue fell below $150K per year after a payment dispute regarding an installation. Weeks later a business partnership was formed by the owner of a organ service and repair company and a long-time Austin employee. They purchased the company, restructured its operations, and recalled several company veterans.

As of 2020 president of the company is Michael B. Fazio; the CEO is Richard G. Taylor. Marilyn H. Austin, wife of former president Donald B. Austin, remains with the company as "Executive Consultant" and CEO-Emeritus. Over 2700 organs have been built with the Austin nameplate. As of 2019 Austin was building eight new instruments per year.

Selected installations