Australian Ecology Research Award (AERA)

The Australian Ecology Research Award is an award presented by the Ecological Society of Australia for a specific body of recent ecological work by a mid-career researcher. Initiated in 2008, the AERA was inspired, in part, by the Robert H. MacArthur Award of the Ecological Society of America. The AERA is not restricted to any particular sector, and aims to recognize outstanding ecological research; nominations of researchers from academia, and the public and private sector agencies are invited annually.
The successful nominee is presented the AERA at the Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia.


2018: Angela Moles

2017: Richard Fuller

2016: Jane Elith

2015: Saul Cunningham

2014: Melodie McGeoch

2013: David Keith

2012: Chris Johnson

2011: Lesley Hughes

2010: Corey Bradshaw

2009: David Lindenmayer

2008: Bob Pressey