Australian Foundation for Disability

Australian Foundation for Disability is a not for profit Australian disability enterprise that supports people living with a disability, with bases in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria.


Originally established as the Poliomyelitis Society in 1895 after a Poliovirus broke out in Australia and was later eradicated in 1967 thanks to a group of businessman and the CEO of Prince Henry Hospital at the time C.J.M Walters. The organisation then in 1967 was renamed the Foundation for Disabled and provided facilities for people with intellectual disabilities and physical disabilities. It was renamed the Australian Foundation for Disabled in 1988 as the organisation continued to evolve and eventually in 2001 to the Australian Foundation for Disability to where it now provides services to over 2,000 people with disabilities mainly in Western Sydney.
From 2016 CEO Steve Herald has prepared afford to meet NDIS standards.
