Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing

The Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing was an Australian organisation established in 1998 to provide advanced computing and grid infrastructure for Australian research communities. APAC was established under the Systemic Infrastructure Initiative objective of the Australian Government's Backing Australia's Ability innovation plan. The Australian National University was the host institution for APAC.
In 2007, APAC was replaced by the Platforms for Collaboration capability 5.16 of the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy. The APAC National Facility was replaced with the National Computational Infrastructure component of PfC. The APAC Grid program was replaced with the Interoperation and Collaboration Infrastructure component of PfC.

APAC Partners

  1. - Australian Centre for Advanced Computing and Communications in NSW
  2. ANU - The Australian National University
  3. CSIRO
  4. iVEC - Organisation for advanced computing in Western Australia
  5. - Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation
  6. - South Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing
  7. - University of Tasmania acting as host for the Tasmanian Partnership for Advanced Computing
  8. - Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing

    APAC Programs