Børre Sæthre

Børre Sæthre is a Norwegian artist whose exhibitions combine many skills, including those of the architect, the interior designer and the set dresser. His installations comprise interconnected environments that take the visitor into a fantastic, dreamlike universe which is both aesthetically pleasing and psychologically disquieting.
In 1996, he launched LUSTLUX, under which his spatial environments are produced. The rooms, corridors, pits and dark corners take you into another world, an enigmatic labyrinth populated by unlikely juxtapositions of stuffed animals, furniture and environmental sculptures, with carefully controlled lighting, recorded sound and music, video, living plants, motorized walls and sliding doors.
In the past, Sæthre has spoken of his fascination with Freud's concept of "the uncanny". So instead of trying to shock his media-saturated audience, he draws visitors into active participation in his synthetic dreamlike worlds and gives them a true taste of the uncanny.
Sæthre lives and works in Berlin and Oslo. He is represented by Galerie Loevenbruck, Paris, France


His academic career has been: