Bún ốc

Bún ốc is a Vietnamese dish originating from Hanoi, Vietnam. Roasted or boiled snails, may be eaten first as an appetizer. Snail congee is called cháo ốc, and canh ốc chuối đậu, is a thin snail soup with green banana, fried tofu and tía tô.


No one knows exactly when bún ốc has existed, but it is exactly that it is one of the most typical dishes of Vietnamese cuisine. Maybe, it came from a certain countryside, then followed the footsteps of the immigrants to Thang Long citadel and became specialties.
The Hanoian often choose snails which are smaller and chewier than their land-based cousins. To make a good bowl of vermicelli, it is indispensable for fat and fresh snails, not soaked in water for too long. they choose the best bun that has thin and clear noodles. Bun oc not only have broth, snails, and tofu are basic characteristics but it also contains green bananas, some fresh vegetables or chopped water spinach, bean sprouts, water dropwort, tomatoes...
Bun oc is highlight flavour by sour of "giấm bỗng" and special sweet taste of tomato broth. The ingredients are tangled white rice vermicelli noodles and boiled snails. Bún ốc can be served in two different ways: in its broth or with broth in a separate bowl with vegetables. The broth is made from stewed bones, tomatoes and other ingredients. Cold snail noolde, which are eaten by dipping the noodles in the broth, is the favourite type during the summer.
Shrimp paste and chili are optional, although purists like Vietnamese writer Vu Bang insist on adding those for a more piquant flavor. In Mon ngon Ha Noi by Vu Bang said "It is a gift, which can be said to have achieved the goal of culinary art of Hanoian."


The first rule when buying snails is generally to choose alive snails. Dead snails have scales that have already been indented, and alive snails only retract when touched. In addition, dead snails often smell. If we drop snails into a basin full of water, dead snails will rotate the bottom up, picking them up, they will be light. Snail after buying is not cooked immediately. To clean snails thoroughly, you should soak them overnight in rice water, after that, rubbing snail's shell by a brush under the water flow. Or you can drop a small iron knife into a pot of water soaked in snails. The smell of iron in water will stimulate snails to release mud and dirt faster and more thoroughly.
Another way is to soak the snails with water mixed with vinegar or lime juice and chopped fresh chili for 2-3 hours. If soaked in this way, after picking up snails should be processed immediately to keep the taste fresh.
