BB Biotech

BB Biotech AG is a Swiss investment company in the field of biotechnology. Since 1993 it is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange, since 1997 on the German TecDAX and since 2000 on the Italian Borsa Italiana.
In December 2016 the company launched BB Healthcare Trust, an investment trust focused on biotech companies.
As of December 31, 2019 the seven core investments in the BB Biotech portfolio were: Ionis Pharmaceuticals ; Neurocrine Biosciences ; Incyte ; Vertex Pharmaceuticals,Esperion Therapeutics ; Agios Pharmaceuticals, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals

Company Figures

Company figures are as follows:
Net Asset Value3393.02884.53538.73003.03978.2
Market capitalization3670.33235.43576.13052.53463.2