BINGO (telescope)

BINGO is a transit radio telescope currently under construction that will observe redshifted hydrogen line emission by intensity mapping to measure dark energy through baryon acoustic oscillations in the radio frequency band.
BINGO will consist of two mirrors: the 40-meter primary mirror reflects radiation from the sky to the secondary mirror that then directs the radiation to a focal plane of 50 horns. The signals will then be focused into a receiver and a spectrometer, after which the data will be analyzed through a data analysis pipeline on a computer.
The radio telescope will be installed in the Serra do Urubu, near the city of Aguiar, Paraíba, in Brazil's northeast. Other locations were evaluated in Uruguay, Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo and Goiás. The choice of locality in Paraíba was due to the low level of radio frequency interference at the site.
The telescope will operate in the frequency range from 0.96 GHz to 1.26 GHz.
With a feedhorn array of 50 receivers, it will map a 15° declination strip as the sky drifts past the field-of-view of the telescope. As of March 2018, the telescope assembly and horn design and fabrication were under way in Brazil.


BINGO is funded by the Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo and MCTIC – FINEP. The Institutions participating in the BINGO Project are: