BW Offshore

BW Offshore Limited is a global owner and operator of floating production storage and offloading vessels. The company is listed on Oslo Stock Exchange. The company has its headquarters in Singapore and Oslo, Norway but operates internationally. The largest owner is BW Group Limited with 49,3% of the shares.
The company operates vessels in Brazil, Mexico, United States, United Kingdom, Russia, Mauritania, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Gabon, New Zealand, and Indonesia with a total of 14 FPSOs and 1 FSO.


BW Offshore originates from the shipping company Bergesen d.y. ASA who delivered its first FSO Berge Sisar in 1982 which it installed and operated at the Block O field offshore Angola. In 2003 Bergesen was acquired by World-Wide Shipping and was 2005 renamed Bergesen Worldwide. In the same year the floating production part of the company was established as a separate company, Bergesen Worldwide Offshore. In 2006 the company was rebranded BW Offshore and listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange.
In 2007, BW Offshore acquired the ownership of Advanced Production and Loading, making the company its technology division. APL which is based in Arendal, Norway and is a specialist in the engineering and supply of offloading and transfer systems for ships and terminals. It has delivered loading equipment for production vessels, storage vessels and shuttle tankers in the North Sea, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Russia, Latin-America, and the USA. In 2006, APL ventured into FPSO contracting by establishing Nexus Floating Production that consequently also became controlled by BW Offshore. In 2010, BW Offshore sold APL to National Oilwell Varco.
In 2010, BW Offshore Limited completed the acquisition of remaining 76.12% stake in Prosafe Production Public Ltd. Prior to the transaction, BW Offshore Limited owned 23.88% and hence, completed the 100% acquisition of Prosafe Production.

Presence and Units

As of December 31, 2013, BW Offshore owned a fleet of 14 FPSOs, 1 FSO and 1 FPSO conversion candidate. It also operates 2 FPSOs owned by oil companies.
In May 2014, BW Offshore was selected by Premier Oil to execute the engineering, procurement, construction, installation and operation of a new built FPSO for its Catcher field in the UK North Sea.
On 28 Aug 2017, Catcher FPSO sets sail Premier Oil's Catcher FPSO has commenced its maiden journey to the North Sea, it was today confirmed. The FPSO left the Keppel Shipyard in Singapore for the Catcher field in the UK North Sea. The BW Offshore vessel is expected to reach its final destination in the final quarter of this year, where it will begin a seven-year fixed term contract with Premier Oil.


FPSO Vessel NameOilfieldLocationOperatorContract DurationWater depth Status
Azurite CongoProsafe2009 -
BW PioneerCascade & Chinook Gulf of MexicoPetrobras America2012 - 20172600
YÙUM K'AK'NÀABKu-Maloob-Zaap MexicoPemex2007 - 202290
Berge HeleneChinguetti MauritaniaPetronas2006 - 2017850Notified contract termination May 2017
Sendje BergeOkwori NigeriaAddax/Sinopec2005 - 2018140
AboAbo NigeriaENI2003 - 2016800
Espor IvorienEspoir Ivory CoastCNR2002 - 2017118Extended to 2022
Petroleo NautipaEtame GabonVaalco2002 - 202080
BW Cidade de São VicenteLula South BrazilPetrobras2009 - 20192140
Cidade de São MateusCamarupim BrazilPetrobras2009 - 2018763Disconnected due to accident
PolvoPolvo BrazilHRT2007 - 201885Extended to Q3 2018
Peregrino Peregrino BrazilStatoil2013 - 2016120Termination operation contract with Statoil, June 2017
P-63 Papa Terra BrazilPetrobras2013 - 20161150
BelokamenkaMurmansk RussiaRosneft Oil Company2004 - 201530Disconnected
BW AthenaAthena UKIthaca Energy2012 - 2020130Demobilised Feb 2016
BW Joko ToleTerang Sirasun Batur IndonesiaKangean Energy2012 - 2022100
UmuroaTUI New ZealandAWE2007 - 2017120
CatcherCatcher UKPremier2017 - 202490
Blue OpalAvailablen/a