Baby Boom (American TV series)

Baby Boom is an American sitcom television series created by Nancy Meyers and Charles Shyer, starring Kate Jackson. The series is based on the 1987 film Baby Boom. The pilot premiered September 10, 1988 on NBC, and the series began on November 2, 1988. The series has ended on July 13, 1989.
Sam Wanamaker and the baby twins Kristina & Michelle Kennedy reprised their roles from the movie, but otherwise, the characters picked up from the original film were cast with new actors. J.C. Wiatt was played by Kate Jackson, Helga Von Haupt by Joy Behar and Charlotte Elkman by Susie Essman.


At the insistence of series creators Nancy Meyers and Charles Shyer, the show was made without a laugh track. In December 1988, NBC announced that the series would go on hiatus after the December 21 episode. The network had planned on bring the show back after making certain "creative changes", but only one leftover episode aired in the summer of 1989.


Eight episodes are registered with the United States Copyright Office.