Baby Felix

Baby Felix is a Japanese children's animated television program that follows the adventures of a young Felix the Cat and infant versions of the characters from Joe Oriolo's Felix television program from the 1950s. It was launched by Oriolo's son, Don Oriolo in 2000 with NHK Educational, NEC Interchannel and AEON inc. of Japan. The show consists of 26 half-hour episodes. It follows in the long line of "Baby Cartoon Revivals" alongside such shows as Muppet Babies, Baby Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry Kids, and The Flintstone Kids. All 26 episodes were released in Bulgaria on 9 DVDs by A-Design. In 2010, DVDs have been released in Hungary as well.
The series became available on Peacock on July 15, 2020.

Voice cast

Each episode is 22 to 23 minutes long, and it has 4 sub-episodes which makes a storyline, all 5 minutes each. After two sub-episodes is an in-between "Music-Time" segment.

Volume 1: His Magic Bag of Tricks

Volume 2: Magic Bag, Do Your Stuff

Volume 3: I Want my Chocolate!
