Bachelor of Computer Science

The Bachelor of Computer Science or Bachelor of Science in Computer Science is a type of bachelor's degree, usually awarded after three or four years of collegiate study in computer science, but possibly awarded in fewer years depending on factors such as an institution's course requirements and academic calendar. In some cases it can be awarded in five years. In general, computer science degree programs emphasize the mathematical and theoretical foundations of computing.
The same core curriculum may, depending on the school, result in other degrees, including:
In many post-secondary institutions, an Honors Bachelor of Computer Science degree has been introduced as an upgrade to the regular bachelor's program and usually requires at least one additional year of study.


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In the survey of payments from 1999 to 2010, statistics show that computer science major students' work have obviously higher salaries than most majors' students' jobs.

Professional qualifications after finishing the degree

The required skills and qualifications for working as a Computer or Software Engineer comprise a large number of theoretical aspects within the areas of Computer Science and Electronics. The following list shows a classification according to the professional profiles that are currently demanded:
Because computer science is a wide field, courses required to earn a bachelor of computer science degree vary. A typical list of course requirements includes topics such as:
Some schools may place more emphasis on mathematics and require additional courses such as:
Beyond the basic set of computer science courses, students can typically choose additional courses from a variety of different fields, such as:
Some schools allow students to specialize in a certain area of computer science.

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