Bachittar Singh

Bhai Bachittar Singh , often known with the honorific "Shaheed", was a Sikh hero and a general of Guru Gobind Singh. He is regarded as one of the bravest soldiers in Sikh history. His father was Bhai Mani Singh and he came from Alipur Riyasat Multan.

Family background

Bhai Bachitter Singh was the son of Bhai Mani Singh. His ancestors were very powerful kings and generals.

Battle of Anandpur

Guru Gobind Singh and a small number of Sikhs were defending their position in Lohgarh fort of Anandpur Sahib during Battle of Anandpur, which was under attack by forces under the rule of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb. Despite superior numbers, the besieging forces were unable to penetrate the heavily-defended fort. They brought forth an armoured, drunken elephant to batter in the gates. Bhai Bachittar Singh was tasked with stopping the elephant, armed with a Nagni Barcha, a type of spear. As the elephant approached the gate, Singh, sallied forth on horseback and made a powerful thrust with his spear piercing the elephant's armour plate and injuring the animal in the forehead. The wounded elephant ran back creating havoc and great damage in the enemy's ranks. As a result of this bold action, the Sikhs gained an upper hand in the conflict.


Bachittar Singh's wounds proved to be fatal. He succumbed to his injuries and died on 8 December 1705. Nihang Khan had the cremation performed secretly the following night.