The Bagua or Pa Kua or Palgwae are eight symbols used in Taoist cosmology to represent the fundamental principles of reality, seen as a range of eight interrelated concepts. Each consists of three lines, each line either "broken" or "unbroken", respectively representing yin or yang, 0 or 1 forming binary numbers 000-111. Due to their tripartite structure, they are often referred to as Eight Trigrams in English. The trigrams are related to Taiji or Taegeuk philosophy, Taijiquan and the Wu Xing, or "five elements". The relationships between the trigrams are represented in two arrangements, the Primordial, "Earlier Heaven" or "Fu Xi" bagua, and the Manifested, "Later Heaven," or "King Wen" bagua. The trigrams have correspondences in astronomy, astrology, geography, geomancy, anatomy, the family, and elsewhere. The ancient Chinese classic, I Ching, consists of the 64 pairwise permutations of trigrams, referred to as "hexagrams", along with commentary on each one.
Relation to other principles
There are two possible sources of bagua. The first is from traditional Yin and Yang philosophy. This is explained by Fuxi in the following way:
The Limitless produces the Delimited, and this Delimited is equivalent to the Highest Limit, or the Absolute. The Taiji produces two forms Liangyi, namely ''yin and yang
This is also known as the "binary sequence" or Shao Yong sequence. A binary interpretation of each hexagram is made by interpreting yin as "0" and yang as "1", and reading the leading "digit" from the inside of the diagram, so the hexagram kūn is interpreted as 0, and gèn as 1. The hexagrams are in binary order when read up from the bottom around on the right, then up again on the left to the top.
Cycles of elements in this chart: 生, 剋 火生水, 水生木, 木生金, 金生火 火剋金, 金剋木, 木剋水, 水剋火 Fire brings water, water feeds wood, wood brings metal, metal brings fire Fire melts metal, metal chops wood, wood drains water, water quenches fire
''Nine Halls Diagram''
卦名 Name
節氣 Solar Term
屬性 Elements
家族 Family
方位 Direction
顏色 Color
脈搏 Pulse
二進制 Binary
四馬與治療法 Four horses & Therapy
Winter Solstice 冬至
父 Father
北 North
黑 Black
沉 Deep
Start of Winter 立冬
長女 Eldest Daughter
西北 North West
藍 Blue
11太陽, 寒者熱之00
Autumn Equinox 秋分
中男Middle Son
西 West
綠 Green
細 Small
10少陽, 涼者溫之01
Start of Autumn 立秋
少女 Youngest Daughter
西南 South West
青 Cyan
細 Small
10少陽, 涼者溫之01
Summer Solstice 夏至
母 Mother
南 South
白 White
浮 Float
00太陰, 熱者寒之11
Start of Summer 立夏
長男 Eldest Son
東南 South East
黃 Yellow
浮 Float
00太陰, 熱者寒之11
Spring Equinox 春分
中女 Middle Daughter
東 East
洋紅 Magenta
大 Big
01少陰, 溫者涼之10
Start of Spring 立春
少男 Youngest Son
東北 North East
丹 Red
大 Big
01少陰, 溫者涼之10
Cycles of elements in this chart: 生,剋 水生木,木生金,金生火,火生水 水剋火,火剋金,金剋木,木剋水 Water feeds wood, wood brings metal, metal brings fire, fire brings water Water quenches fire, fire melts metal, metal chops wood, wood drains water
Bagua used in Feng Shui
The Bagua is an essential tool in the majority of Feng Shui schools. The Bagua used in Feng shui can appear in two different versions: the Earlier Heaven Bagua, used for burial sites, and the Later Heaven Bagua, used for the residences.
Xiantian Bagua
In Xiantian Bagua, also known as Fu Xi Bagua or Earlier Heaven Bagua, the Heaven is in the higher part and the Earth is in the lower part. The trigram Qian is at the top, the trigram Kun is at the bottom. The trigram Li is located on the left and opposite to it is the trigram Kan. Zhen and Xun form another pair, while being one opposite the other, the first on the bottom left next to Li while the second is next to Qian on the top right of the Bagua. Gen and Dui form the last pair, one opposite the other, both in balance and harmony. The adjustment of the trigrams is symmetrical by forming exact contrary pairs. They symbolize the opposite forces of Yin and Yang and represent an ideal state, when everything is in balance.
Houtian Bagua
The sequence of the trigrams in Houtian Bagua, also known as the Bagua of King Wen or Later Heaven Bagua, describes the patterns of the environmental changes. Kan is placed downwards and Li at the top, Zhen in the East and Dui in the West. Contrary to the Earlier Heaven Bagua, this one is a dynamic Bagua where energies and the aspects of each trigram flow towards the following. It is the sequence used by the Luo Pan compass which is used in Feng Shui to analyze the movement of the Qi that allegedly affects us.
Western Bagua
Feng shui was made very popular in the Occidentthanks to the Bagua of the eight aspirations. Each trigram corresponds to an aspect of life which, in its turn, corresponds to one of the cardinal directions. Applying feng shui using the Bagua of the eight aspirations made it possible to simplify feng shui and to bring it within the reach of everyone. Western Bagua focuses more heavily on the power of intention than the traditional forms of feng shui. Masters of traditional feng shui disregard this approach, for its simplicity, because it does not take into account the forms of the landscape or the temporal influence or the annual cycles. The Bagua of the eight aspirations is divided into two branches: the first, which uses the compass and cardinal directions, and the second, which uses the Bagua by using the main door. It is clear that, not taking into account the cardinal directions, the second is even more simplified.
Bagua map
A bagua map is a tool used in Western forms of feng shui to map a room or location and see how the different sections correspond to different aspects in one's life. These sections are believed to relate to every area or aspect of life and are divided into such categories as: fame, relationships/marriage, children/creativity, helpful people/travel, career, inner knowledge, family/ancestors/health, and wealth/blessings. In this system, the map is intended to be used over the land, one's home, office or desk to find areas lacking good chi, and to show where there are negative or missing spaces that may need rectifying or enhancing in life or the environment. For example, if the bagua grid is placed over the entire house plan and it shows the toilet, bathroom, laundry, or kitchen in the wealth/blessings area it would be considered that the money coming into that particular environment would disappear very fast, as if to be 'going down the drain.' an "Mystic Tablet" containing the Eight Trigrams on top of a large tortoise, along with the 12 signs of Chinese zodiac, and a smaller tortoise carrying the Lo Shu Square on its shell