The series takes place at Okanoue Girls' High School, where girls are permitted to ride motorcycles to school, and follows Hane Sakura, a cheerful freshman who becomes awed after seeing another student ride a bike to school. Taking an interest, Hane joins her school's motorcycle club and gets a motorcycle license. After buying her own bike, Hane begins her exciting, two-wheeled, motorized high-school life along her new friends; Onsa Amano, Rin Suzunoki, Raimu Kawazaki and Hijiri Minowa.
;Yume Sakura ;Hayakawa ;Tazuko ;Onsa's Father ;Rin's Father ;Kinya Nakano ;Akina Nakano ;Enko Saruyama ;Baita
Two spin-off manga were announced in the May 2018 issue of Young Champion Retsu. The first spin-off titledBakuon!! - Amano Onsa no Nikoichi Hanjōki, centers on the character Onsa Amano and began serialization in Akita Shoten's Champion Cross website on April 17, 2018. The second spin-off titled Bakuon!! - Suzunoki Rin no Yabō, centers on the character Rin Suzunoki and will begin serialization in Akita Shoten's Champion RED magazine on May 19.
had five editors review the first episode of the anime: Nick Creamer was positive towards the comedic content having solid visual and verbal jokes being delivered through humorous character expressions and voice acting; Theron Martin was initially entertained by the amusing cast and intricate motorbike knowledge but was distracted by the fanservice involving the girls' figures; Rebecca Silverman praised Onsa Amano for her "delightfully retro design" and flighty yet endearing personality, and the surprisingly funny sex humor being delivered by Baita but found both Sakura and Rin to be unbearable and lacking interesting qualities to them; Lynzee Loveridge was also positive towards Onsa and the driver's ed bike providing decent comedy but felt the rest of the episode had an unspectacular cast, generic character designs and dull non-motorbike humor, saying the anime will appeal more to that specific subset of gearheads than a general audience. The fifth reviewer, Jacob Hope Chapman, found the series to be more of an "Akamatsu-style 90s harem comedy than K-On! on motorcycles", criticizing the humorless jokes, overbearing and screechy female characters, and lackluster production for delivering "garish flat designs" and lazily repeated animation, concluding that "Bakuon!! has that unique kind of lameness where it feels like it's not really made for any audience in 2016. If you were hoping for moe motorcycles, there's no innocent charm to be found here, and if you just want to see some fanservice, you'll probably want to hold out for a show with better drawings."
Series reception
Stig Høgset at THEM Anime Reviews was critical of the "cartoonish caricatures" and the last episode being disappointing with its signature humor being replaced with a flat joke but gave praise to the main cast for their charm and personalities being closer to real-life, quality animation to accentuate the motorbiking scenes and use of the gag comedy format to tell its stories, calling it "n energetic, if flawed, show that nevertheless has its heart where it counts."