Balatack is a Japanese mecha anime produced by Toei Animation, marking as the final installment to Takara's Magne-Robo Franchise. It follows the adventures of five teenagers as they fight against an evil alien force using the titular combining mecha, Barattack. The show aired on TV Asahi between 1977 and 1978 on Sundays between 18:00 and 18:25.
The series is loosely related to Himitsu Sentai Gorenger and its sequel series JAKQ Dengekitai in that the five main characters wear multicolored costumes. Unlike the sentai teams in the aforementioned series however, they do not engage in hand-to-hand martial arts combat, only fighting in their combining mecha.
All 31 episodes were released on three Region 2 DVD sets in Japan in March, April, and May 2010.