Ballinran Court Tomb

Ballinran Court Tomb is situated close to Killowen, County Down, Northern Ireland, on the shore of Carlingford Lough.
Excavations took place in 1976 in advance of a road widening scheme on the site which is some 60m from the lough shore. The excavations revealed a court tomb with a very long gallery aligned north-south, opening onto an approximately circular forecourt at its north end. No traces survived of the cairn or any kerb or revetment. One of the two portal-stone sockets still contained the fractured stump of the stone which had stood in it. The gallery had been segmented with sills and jambs and was at least 5 or 6 segments long.
No trace of burial deposits was found in situ, although some cremated, presumably human, bone and three primary flint flakes were found. A 'nest' of winkle shells were found placed in a pit as a secondary deposit in the grave.