Baltic Republican Party
The Baltic Republican Party is a political party in the Russian Federation. It was founded on 1 December 1993 in Kaliningrad Oblast and lost its official status as a political party on 26 March 2003 due to the new Russian Law on political parties which requires that each party should have regional branches at least in half of the Russian Federation constituencies and at least 10,000 members in strength. An appeal was lost in February 2005 before the Constitutional Court of Russia. The main political purpose of the party was the establishment of an autonomous Baltic Republic instead of the Kaliningrad region, possibly total independence. It also wanted the old name Königsberg restored. Its leaders are Sergei Pasko and Rustam Vasiliev.
In February 2005 the constituent congress of the Kaliningrad Public Movement – Respublika took place in Kaliningrad. It has the same objectives as the BRP, its cochairmen are Sergei Pasko and Vitautas Lopata, an independent deputy of the regional Duma and local chairperson of the opposition Russian People's Democratic Union.