The story revolves around Hafeez Bin Ali and Praveen Chaturvedi both from Bangistan but different nations. Hafeez is number one in his clan for having a big beard and works underground in Telemarketing as “Harold”. Praveen is a man who shows a lot of respect to his god Guruji and attacks anyone who insults his beloved god. However, both their bosses encourage them to go to Poland for a mission and hosting the world's best bombers so the 2 terrorists go. Both Praveen and Hafeez meet at the airport and decide to change their names to Allah Rakha Khan and Ishwarchand Sharma but both get arrested. Although still arrested, they go to Poland to become bomb experts. The two go to two different local bomb experts. Allah Rakha goes to a Chinese restaurant owner, where he learns that the restaurant owner speaks Hindi and gives him specific bombs. Ishwarchand goes to a potato farmer, Mr. Babinski, who is actually a master spy and saboteur and offers him a lot of bombs but Ishwarchand asks for a cheaper bomb. The 2 of them later fall in love with Rosie then a love triangle between the 3 begins to spark up. After Rosie's parents' anniversary, they ask her about her religion to which she replies that she doesn't follow any religion as all religions propagate the same thing. Hafeez and Praveen become best friends and while drinking liquor both reveal their original identities. They get embroiled in a fight in which a bomb explodes which Praveen was making. They get injured and are admitted in a hospital with their labels as 'Terrorists'. The North Bangistanis plan and train another suicide bomber, Zulfi to create terror since Hafeez's name is out. Hafeez realises that his boss wants to just spread terror in the name of religion and explains Praveen the same but Praveen acts in front of Hafeez that he is on his side but actually he wants to go ahead with the explosion. When both reach the conference, he finds Praveen activating the bomb in a washroom and then they get in a fight in which Praveen realises his mistake. At last they both expose the nature of their bosses and people misguided in the name of religion. But the bomb which was placed by Zulfi explodes leaving Hafeez and Praveen injured but this time, they are regarded as heroes.
Ritesh Deshmukh as Hafeez Bin Ali/Ishwarchand Sharma
Pulkit Samrat as Praveen Chaturvedi/Allah Rakha Khan